Unleashing the Power of Collagen+: Your Secret Weapon for Radiant Skin - Cafotrop



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Skin aging is a natural process that can be accelerated by various factors such as sun exposure, stress, pollution and poor diet. To fight against these signs of aging and preserve the beauty of our skin, we are constantly looking for effective and innovative solutions. It is with this in mind that Laboratoire des Granions has developed Collagene+ Beauté, a beauty product in the form of chewable tablets with a cookie taste.

Presentation of the Collagen+ Beauty product

Referenced F4002663, Collagen+ Beauty is a food supplement developed by Laboratoire des Granions, an expert in single trace elements since 1948. This product comes in the form of chewable tablets with a delicious cookie flavor and contains 120 tablets per box.

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Active ingredients

  • Type 1 hydrolyzed marine collagen: It is a collagen of marine origin with a low molecular weight (<2000 daltons), which facilitates its assimilation by the body. Collagen is an essential protein for the structure and suppleness of our skin.
  • Hyaluronic acid : This ingredient is known for its hydrating and plumping power. It helps maintain skin elasticity by retaining water in the tissues.
  • Vitamin C : Extracted from acerola, this vitamin has antioxidant properties that protect the skin against free radicals responsible for skin aging. It also participates in the synthesis of collagen.
  • Magnesium: This mineral contributes to the proper functioning of cells and promotes skin regeneration.

CLEAN LABELS: a formula without sugar, coloring, preservatives, gluten or lactose

The Granions Laboratory designed Collagen+ Beauty with a concern for excellence and quality. Thus, this product is highly assimilable and complies with “CLEAN LABELS” standards, i.e. it does not contain sugar, coloring, preservatives, gluten or lactose.

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The benefits of Collagen+ Beauty on your skin

Thanks to its formula rich in natural and high-performance active ingredients, Collagen+ Beauté offers several benefits to improve the beauty of your skin:

  • Anti-aging action: Hydrolyzed marine collagen type 1 helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles by strengthening the subcutaneous fibrous network. It also restores firmness to the skin by improving its elasticity.
  • Hydration: The hyaluronic acid contained in Collagen+ Beauty tablets helps retain water in skin tissues, thus ensuring optimal and long-lasting hydration.
  • Protection against free radicals: Vitamin C extracted from acerola protects the skin from external aggressions (UV, pollution) and prevents premature aging due to free radicals.
  • Cellular regeneration: Magnesium promotes cell renewal and participates in the repair process of damaged tissues.
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How to use Collagen+ Beauty?

To fully benefit from the benefits of Collagen+ Beauty, it is recommended to follow a regular program of at least one month. Take 4 chewable tablets per day, preferably with meals to facilitate their assimilation. Do not hesitate to consult your doctor or pharmacist to adapt the dosage according to your specific needs.

Reviews of Granions Collagen+ Beauty

This product is incredible! I noticed a marked improvement in my skin after just a few weeks of use. My wrinkles are less visible and my skin is more supple and luminous. I can not do without it !


Collagen+ Beauty is an innovative and effective product to improve the beauty of your skin, fight against the signs of aging and preserve its youth. Thanks to its formula rich in type 1 hydrolyzed marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and magnesium, this food supplement developed by Laboratoire des Granions offers a natural and effective solution to enhance your skin. Don’t hesitate to try Collagène+ Beauté and share your opinions on Granions Collagène Beauté with us.

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