Unlock Your Natural Beauty: The Multi-faceted Benefits of Marine Collagen for Skin, Nails, and Hair. - Cafotrop



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Marine collagen: a precious ally for our beauty

Collagen is an essential protein for our body. It represents approximately 30% of the total proteins present in the human body and notably ensures the cohesion, elasticity and regeneration of skin tissues. Marine collagen is particularly prized for its benefits for the beauty of skin, nails and hair. Let’s discover together the benefits of this natural substance as well as its mode of action.

The origin of the marine collagen used in Humble Plus Collagen

The Humble Plus Collagen product draws its effectiveness from the collagen it contains, extracted mainly from wild fish caught in deep waters. This animal source guarantees superior quality compared to bovine or porcine collagen generally used in other food supplements.

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In addition, this product has received a “Friends of the Sea” certification, demonstrating its commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly fishing.

Hydrolysis: a key process for better absorption of collagen

In order to be properly assimilated by the body, the collagen molecule must first be hydrolyzed. This step involves cutting the protein into smaller fragments, called collagen peptides, which will be more easily digested and used by the body.

Humble Plus Collagen offers high quality hydrolyzed marine collagen, guaranteeing optimal absorption and quickly visible effects on skin, nails and hair.

The choice of type I collagen for targeted action

There are several types of collagen in our body. Type I collagen is particularly favored in Humble Plus Collagen because it represents approximately 90% of the collagen found in our skin, tendons and bones. By providing this specific type of collagen directly to the body, we promote its repair and renewal in skin tissues.

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Marine collagen versus collagen creams: what are the differences?

While creams containing collagen can provide superficial hydration to the skin, they do not reach the deeper layers where the real network of supporting fibers is located. Thus, their action remains limited in terms of visible improvement in the signs of skin aging (wrinkles, loss of elasticity, etc.).

On the contrary, by consuming a food supplement rich in collagen peptides like Humble Plus Collagen, we act directly from inside the body, thus allowing targeted and effective action on all the tissues concerned.

Recommended consumption of Humble Plus Collagen for visible effects

In order to fully benefit from the benefits of marine collagen on the skin, nails and hair, it is recommended to consume 10 grams of Humble Plus Collagen per day. This amount can be easily incorporated into your daily diet by simply mixing the powder with a glass of water or incorporating it into your favorite recipes (smoothies, yogurts…).

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Without added sugars or preservatives, Humble Plus Collagen is a healthy and natural product that is ideal for people concerned about their health and beauty.

How long does it take to see the first results?

The effects of marine collagen on skin, nails and hair may vary depending on each individual. However, some clinical studies have shown that regular consumption of a dietary supplement rich in collagen peptides can lead to visible improvement after approximately 4 to 8 weeks.

Clinical studies proving the effectiveness of marine collagen

Several scientific researches have demonstrated the benefits of hydrolyzed marine collagen on skin health:

  • A study carried out in 2014 showed that supplementing with hydrolyzed marine collagen for 8 weeks significantly improved skin hydration, elasticity and density.
  • In 2015, another research highlighted the positive effects of marine collagen on the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles after just 12 weeks of treatment.
  • More recently, a study published in 2020 confirmed the effectiveness of marine collagen in improving the quality of nails and promoting their growth.

Thus, Humble Plus Collagen represents a precious ally in preserving our natural beauty while respecting our health and our environment. Thanks to its formula rich in type I collagen peptides from wild fish, this food supplement helps us find firmer, radiant skin as well as strengthened nails and hair.

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