Unlocking Radiant Skin: A Step-by-step Guide to Using Laborantin Collagen Food Supplements - Cafotrop



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We are delighted to present our food supplement Laborantin Collagen, specially designed to improve the condition of your skin. This product mainly contains hyaluronic acid and marine collagen, suitable for people on a gluten-free diet. In this leaflet, we will explain the instructions for use, the recommended duration of the treatment, the precautions for use and the specific benefits of the ingredients on your skin.

Main Ingredients

  • Hyaluronic acid: hydrates and plumps the skin
  • Marine collagen: strengthens the elasticity and firmness of the skin
  • Fish derivatives: provide essential nutrients for skin health
  • Gluten-free: suitable for people intolerant or sensitive to gluten
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Hyaluronic acid and its benefits on the skin

Hyaluronic acid is a molecule naturally present in our body. It plays a crucial role in hydrating and maintaining the volume of our epidermis. As we age, its production gradually decreases, leading to loss of elasticity and sagging of the skin. Our food supplement Laborantin Collagen provides you with a daily dose of hyaluronic acid to compensate for this reduction and thus hydrate, plump and firm your skin.

Marine collagen and its benefits on the skin

Collagen is a protein essential to the structure of our skin. It ensures its firmness, elasticity and resistance. Just like hyaluronic acid, its production decreases with age, leading to sagging skin and the appearance of wrinkles. The marine collagen contained in our food supplement comes from sustainable marine sources (fish derivatives) and has excellent bioavailability to be effectively assimilated by your body. Thus, it helps to strengthen the elasticity and firmness of your skin while respecting your ecological beliefs.

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To fully benefit from the benefits of Laborantin Collagen on your skin, we recommend that you take 1 capsule in the morning with a large glass of water. It is preferable to follow this treatment for 30 renewable days in order to obtain visible and lasting results.

Recommended duration of treatment

We recommend an initial treatment of a minimum duration of 30 days to allow the product’s active ingredients to exert their action in depth and to notice significant improvements on your skin. This treatment can be renewed according to your needs, respecting an interval of at least 15 days between two treatments to avoid any risk of overdose.

Precautions for use

It is important to emphasize that our food supplement Laborantin Collagen should not replace a balanced and varied diet. This is a supplement intended to provide additional support to your skin as part of a healthy lifestyle.

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Please also note that this product contains fish derivatives. If you are allergic or intolerant to fish, we strongly advise you to consult your doctor before starting the treatment.

Gluten free

We would like to point out that our food supplement Laborantin Collagen is gluten-free, so that it may be suitable for people following a strict gluten-free diet for medical reasons (celiac disease) or by personal choice.

In conclusion

Thank you for choosing our Laborantin Collagen food supplement to take care of your skin! By following the instructions and precautions mentioned in this leaflet, you will fully benefit from the benefits provided by hyaluronic acid and marine collagen. We hope that this product will meet your expectations and help restore radiance and vitality to your skin.

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