Unlocking the Secrets of Marine Collagen: A Deep Dive into Its Prolific Benefits for Skin, Hair, and Joints - Cafotrop



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Collagen: an essential protein for our body

Collagen is a fibrous protein that makes up about 30% of the proteins in our body. It plays a crucial role in the structure and elasticity of our connective tissues, such as skin, tendons, ligaments and bones. Over time, our natural collagen production decreases, leading to visible aging of the skin as well as reduced joint mobility.

The benefits of marine collagen on the skin, hair and joints

Marine collagen is extracted from fish scales or bones. It has several advantages over bovine or porcine collagen:

  • For the skin : Marine collagen helps maintain skin elasticity and hydration. It also stimulates its regeneration by promoting the production of other proteins such as elastin.
  • For hair : By strengthening their internal structure (keratin), collagen helps make your hair more resistant to external attacks (sun, pollution) while improving its general appearance.
  • For the joints: Marine collagen contributes to the flexibility and resistance of cartilage tissues, which helps prevent the appearance of joint pain or osteoarthritis.
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How does collagen work in our body?

When we consume collagen in the form of dietary supplements, it is broken down into peptides (small chains of amino acids) by our digestive system. These peptides are then absorbed by our body and used to synthesize new collagen in the tissues concerned.

Choosing the right type of collagen: a crucial step

There are several types of collagen on the market (bovine, porcine, marine), but not all are equal in terms of effectiveness and quality. Marine collagen is considered to be more bioavailable than other animal sources, meaning it is better assimilated by our body. In addition, it presents less risk of allergies or contamination by pathogens.

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The importance of combining collagen with other components to maximize its effects

To optimize the benefits of collagen on your skin, hair and joints, it is recommended to combine it with:

  • Hyaluronic acid: This molecule is naturally present in our body and participates in hydrating the skin. By combining collagen and hyaluronic acid, you promote better skin hydration.
  • Specific vitamins: Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis, while vitamins A and E have antioxidant properties that protect your skin against premature aging.

The environmental benefits of marine collagen

In addition to its benefits for our health, marine collagen also has ecological advantages compared to bovine or porcine collagen. Indeed, its extraction from fish makes it possible to use marine resources already exploited for human food (scales, bones), which limits waste. In addition, fish farming generally has a lower environmental impact than land animals (consumption of water and space).

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Recommended dosage and ideal duration of a treatment

To observe visible results on your skin, hair or joints thanks to marine collagen, it is recommended to follow a course of at least 8 to 12 weeks with a daily dosage varying between 5g and 10g depending on the individual.

Vegan alternatives to marine collagen

For people who do not consume products of animal origin, there are vegan alternatives based on plants (algae, flax seeds) or bacteria (fermentation). These sources contain essential amino acids and nutrients to stimulate the natural production of collagen in our body.

Origin of the marine collagen used at Novoma

At Novoma, we attach great importance to the quality and traceability of our ingredients. Our marine collagen is extracted mainly from the scales and bones of wild fish from sustainable fishing, thus guaranteeing a pure and environmentally friendly product.

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