Unlocking the Truth: Exploring the Role of Collagen in Bodybuilding Success - Cafotrop



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The role of collagen in the body

Collagen is a fibrous protein present in abundance in our body. It constitutes approximately 30% of the total protein mass in mammals and plays an essential structural role for skin, joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles. Its main function is to ensure the cohesion, elasticity and regeneration of connective tissues.

Can consuming collagen increase muscle mass?

Some studies suggest that consuming collagen supplements may help increase muscle mass. For example, a 2015 study of older men showed that those who took a supplement containing 15 grams of hydrolyzed collagen per day for 12 weeks experienced a significant increase in lean muscle mass compared to the placebo group (Zdzieblik D ., Oesser S., Baumstark M.W., Gollhofer A., ​​König D., “Collagen peptide supplementation in combination with resistance training improves body composition and increases muscle strength in elderly sarcopenic men: a randomized controlled trial”, British Journal of Nutrition).

Note, however, that this study was funded by a collagen supplement manufacturer.

It is important to emphasize that study results are still mixed and more research is needed to establish a definitive conclusion on the effectiveness of collagen for increasing muscle mass. However, there seems to be a consensus that consuming collagen may have beneficial effects on joint health.

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The benefits of collagen for joints

Many studies have shown that taking collagen supplements can significantly improve symptoms associated with osteoarthritis and joint pain in general. For example, a 2016 systematic review concluded that hydrolyzed collagen supplementation can significantly reduce joint pain in athletes (Clark K.L., Sebastianelli W., Flechsenhar K.R., Aukermann D.F., Meza F., Millard R.L., Deitch J.R., Sherbondy P.S. & Albert A.; “24-Week study on the use of collagen hydrolysate as a dietary supplement in athletes with activity-related joint pain”, Current Medical Research and Opinion).

So, although it is not yet certain whether collagen can directly contribute to increasing muscle mass, its consumption could be beneficial for those who regularly practice intense physical activities, such as weight training, by promoting better recovery and reducing the risk of joint-related injuries.

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The different forms of collagen supplements

There are several types of collagen supplements available on the market, including:

  • Hydrolyzed collagen: this is a pre-digested form that is easily assimilated by the body. It is generally presented in the form of powder to be diluted in a drink.
  • Collagen in capsules or tablets: this form allows precise dosage and easy intake, but may be less well absorbed than hydrolyzed collagen.
  • Foods rich in collagen: certain foods such as gelatin, bone broths or even fatty fish are naturally rich in collagen. However, their content varies depending on the source and it can be difficult to consume enough to obtain significant effects on joint or muscle health.
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Specific recommendation for bodybuilding practitioners

For those who practice bodybuilding, we recommend opting for a hydrolyzed collagen supplement. This form being more easily assimilated by the body, it would thus make it possible to obtain more rapid and effective results on joint recovery and possibly on muscle mass gain. However, be sure to choose a product from a reliable source that complies with health standards.


In short, if the link between collagen consumption and increased muscle mass is not yet clearly established, it nevertheless seems that this protein can have beneficial effects on joint health. Thus, bodybuilding practitioners could benefit from supplementing with hydrolyzed collagen to promote better recovery and reduce the risk of joint-related injuries. Do not hesitate to consult a health professional before introducing a supplement into your diet.

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