Unlocking the Wonders of Marine Collagen: A Comparative Review of Combeau, Atelier Nubio and Agent Nateur - Cafotrop



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Collagen is an essential protein for our skin, hair and nails. It helps fight signs of aging and maintains skin elasticity. However, its production decreases with age, hence the interest in marine collagen cures in different forms such as powder, sticks or food supplements. In this article, we tested three specific brands: Combeau, Atelier Nubio and Agent Nateur in order to give you a detailed opinion on their products.

Why is collagen important for skin, hair and nails?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body. It constitutes approximately 30% of the total proteins present in our body. The main role of collagen is to ensure the cohesion, elasticity and regeneration of connective tissues such as skin, tendons and cartilage.

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In the case of the skin for example, it helps maintain its firmness by forming a resistant structure which supports the other skin components (epidermal cells). The gradual reduction of this substance therefore leads to skin sagging as well as the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Collagen is also important for healthy hair and nails. It contributes to their growth, resistance and shine by providing the nutrients necessary for the formation of keratin, the main protein constituting these two structures.

The benefits of marine collagen

Marine collagen is a natural alternative to traditional animal collagen. It has several advantages:

  • It is more easily assimilated by the body thanks to its small molecular size;
  • Its marine origin makes it less allergenic than bovine or porcine collagen;
  • It respects the dietary preferences of vegetarians and vegans (although it is not suitable for strict vegans).

Thus, using marine collagen treatments can help fight the signs of skin aging while strengthening our hair and nails.

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Review of Combeau, Atelier Nubio and Agent Nateur

We tested three brands offering products based on marine collagen: Combeau, Atelier Nubio and Agent Nateur. Here is our detailed opinion on each of them.

1. Combeau Collagen & Superfruits Powder

This collagen powder mixes easily with liquid, such as water or fruit juice. It also contains superfruits (acerola and baobab) for an additional supply of vitamin C, which promotes the natural production of collagen by our body.

After several weeks of daily use, we noticed a notable improvement in the elasticity and firmness of our skin as well as a reduction in wrinkles. Our hair was also stronger and shinier. The taste is pleasant and slightly fruity.

2. Nubio Collagen Inner Beauty Workshop

This food supplement comes in the form of sticks to be diluted in a glass of water or a hot drink. It combines marine collagen with adaptogenic plants (astragalus, eleuthero) to strengthen immune defenses and help combat oxidative stress responsible for premature aging.

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We appreciated the practicality of the individual sticks which make it easy to take your collagen with you everywhere. The effects on our skin were similar to those observed with Combeau: better firmness, fewer wrinkles and fine lines as well as more resistant hair.

3. Agent Nateur Holi(Youth) The Oceanic Adaptogen

This highly concentrated marine collagen powder is enriched with spirulina, chlorella and micronized marine pearls for a detoxifying effect on the body and reinforced anti-aging action.

The texture of this powder is slightly grainy, which may make mixing with liquid a little less consistent than other products tested. However, the results on our skin were very satisfactory: a visible improvement in skin quality, shinier hair and strengthened nails.


In conclusion, these three brands offer effective marine collagen treatments to improve the condition of our skin, hair and nails. Each of them is distinguished by its unique composition and its complementary ingredients which provide additional benefits to their products. We therefore encourage you to try the one that best suits your specific needs and to integrate these cures into your daily routine to reap all the benefits.

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